Frequently Asked Questions
What does a Bethel Sozo session look like?
The applicant meets with one or more Sozo team members with the purpose of connection to the God Head. The sozo team members help facilitate a conversation between the applicant and Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Lies that have been believed for many years are revealed, healed and replaced with His truth.
Why a suggested donation?
The Sozo Team Members are independent contractors and are not church staff.
What about donations for church members?
Church members have the same "suggested donation". Be aware to not bow under the spirit of entitlement. Pray against it long before you begin sessions and release a spirit of generosity over your church and ministry.
Can one Sozo session actually heal a lie that has been believed for many years?
Yes. Once the Lord heals the first time the lie was settled into your spirit, the rest of your life experiences based on this lie will realign to His truth.
Does the Basic Training give you enough in-depth information for you to be qualified to counsel with Sozo?
You have been given all the information for the Basic Sozo but you can never underestimate experience. Jump in and give it a try. The CDs and DVDs are helpful to review for clarification.
Should you go through the Advanced Training, as well?
Yes, if you are going to be ministering to people. But you should wait until you have been doing this for about six months to fully benefit from the teachings in the Advanced Training.